
Yancheng Sea Salt Historic and Cultural Zone
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


As a national 4A tourist zone, at 1,500 Chinese acres, the Sea Salt Historic and Cultural Zone covers Sea Salt Museum, Salt Town Water Street, Water Town, Delicacies Street of Dongjin Road, Entertainment Street, Yandu Park, etc. In particular, the Seal Salt Museum is the only sea salt museum to display sea salt civilization in China approved by the State Council. The blue sea salt image shines brilliantly at night. Yandu Park, at 486 hectares, is located in the centre of Yangcheng, connecting the Chuanchang River. It is the largest integrated eco park in Yancheng, well demonstrate the features of “water, green, and salt”. The Water Street of Salt Town displays the traditional folklore and craftsmanship in Yancheng; while on a theatre boat, one can enjoy the Huai Opera that starts regularly at 19:30; in the Salt Yamun, Salt Ancestor’s Temple, Salt Chamber of Commerce, one can study the history and culture of sea salt, and watch the daily patrol of salt officials and case trials. On the shops along the river, one can try the local delicacies, and purchase the tourist cultural goods and local specialties. Every year, there are lantern shows in the Lantern Festival at the end of Spring Festival in China, which attracts large groups of tourists.

Open Time: 08:00—20:00

Water Street of Salt Town: daytime

China Sea Salt Museum: 09:00-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday (no entry allowed after 16:00); closed on every Monday (except national statuary vacations) and three days before Chinese Spring Festival.

Yandu Park: daytime

Center of Yancheng City

Bus Route: B2, 12

Self-Driving Route: (Yandu Park) Century Avenue Municipal Government Section-Kaifang Avenue (turn left)-Qingnian Road-destination

Self-Driving Route: (Sea Salt Museum, Salt Town Water Street) Century Avenue Municipal Government Section-Kaifang Avenue, turn right-destination

Tel: 0515-89871885 (Water Street)/0515-89902306 (Sea Salt Museum)

  Weixin: chinaseasaltmuseum
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