
Jianhu Jiulongkou Scenic Area
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


 This is called Jiulongkou (mouth of nine dragons) as nine rivers meet in a point. There are abundant resources in Jiulongkou, 64 birds and animals, 75 wild plants, 62 woods, 36 aquatic products, 2,500 hectares of marshes. It is reputed as the treasure tub, golden and silver marshes, pearl of Lixia River, etc. The five-crop tree in the Longzhu Island (dragon ball island) is known for its fruits that resemble the five crops in China. CCTV and Jiangsu Education Television filmed Jiulongkou in their special programs Jiuzhoushenyun and Jingjiwanxiang.

Title: national 3A tourist site and provincial scenic spots

Open Time: 07:30—18:00

Address: Jiulongkou Quai, Jianhu County, Yancheng

Bus Route: take bus at Baima Coach Station, Northern Yancheng

  Driving Route: Municipal Government section, Century Avenue—express from western Yancheng—Exit at Jianhu, turn left-Jianbao road, westward-X306, turn right, Jiangzhong Road-Westward along Jiangying Line for 3 kilometers-destination.
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