
Yancheng National Rare Birds Nature Reserve
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


The 4A tourism zone was established in 1983. It was then upgraded to nation-class natural conservation zone in 1992 as approved by the State Council of China. This zone mainly protects the intertidal wetland eco-system crucial for wildlife including red-crowned crane. This zone joined the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program, Protective Network for cranes in Northeastern Asia, the bird’s migration network of East Asia-Australia, the sub-species of geese and ducks migration network, international key wetlands. There are over 2,500 species of fauna and flora, 394 birds, including 14 national Level-I wild animals and 67 national level II wild animals. This is not only the most important site for red-crowned cranes to shelter for winters in the world, the most important coastal sea salt intertidal wetland eco-system, and one of China’s 17 biodiversity hot sites, but also the most important passage for bird’s migration: every year, three million birds stop and habit here. Therefore, it has become a highlight to watch birds in intertidal areas in winter. This is where people co-exist with the nature in harmony, and it is also the background of the song, One True Story. In this zone, the China Red-Crown Crane Museum, the Feeding Center of Red-Crown Crane Museum, the Water Bird Lake, Wanghe Pavilion (Pavilion to watch cranes), Crane Park, etc. are sought-after sights.

Open: 08:15—17:20 (winter);08:15—17:40 (summer)

Address: 8 Wanghe Road, Xinyang Port, Huangjian Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng

Bus Route: take the routine tourist bus from city of Yancheng to Yancheng National Rare Birds Conservation Zone; take the special tourist bus from city of Yancheng to Yancheng National Rare Birds Conservation Zone

Bus K2, K202 from urban center: first: 06:00; last: 18:00 (every half hour)

Departure from: Yancheng Coach Station

Bus K2, K202 from tourist zone: first: 06:00; last: 17:40 (every half hour)

Departure from: Yancheng National Rare Birds Conservation Zone

Self-Drive Route: Century Avenue, Municipal Government section-East Ring-Huanbao Avenue-S331-turn left on Haidi Line (Sea Embankment) for 5.6 kilometers to the destination.

Tel: 0515-82642605

Website: http://www.yczrbhq.com

Weixin: yczrbhq
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