
Xixin Temple
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

 Xixin Temple is national 4A tourist site in China. It is located in Zhananshou, Sheyang, Haitong Town. It was firstly built in late Mind Dynasty, and originally Xixin’ Convent, and was destroyed in late Qing Dynasty. On March 25, 1993, as was approved by county government, the Xixin Temple was rebuilt by the estuary of Sheyang’s river. The Changmingshan Abbey, who is the vice president of China’s Buddhist Association and president of Jiangsu’s Buddhist Association, serves as the man in charge. Today, the Xixin Temple covers 100 Chinese acres, with a total area of 27,000 square meters, with fixed asset hitting 250 million yuan. The temple is known as the “fortune site of Yellow River, reputed temple in Jiangsu and Huai River region”.
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