
Dafeng Memorial of Shanghai Intellectual Youth
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


A national 4A tourist sites, the Dafeng Memorial of Shanghai Intellectual Youth is located in Haifeng Farm of Dafeng. Inside the memorial, there are the main hall, chambers, Xirangyuanhua Garden, Daoxiang Village, Yujia Shed, Taohua Head, Yuanhua Bath Room, Laohu Hearth, Hall Moat, Experiential Zone of Intellectual Youth Labor, West Pond, etc. The main hall is built in early 1950s. It used to be the site for intellectual youth from Shanghai (urban young people who were sent to rural China during the Cultural Revolution period) to labor here. With navy-blue bricks, grey tiles, and stretched beams, the structure was designed by Soviet architects. The main hall consists of six zones: history, Intellectual Youth’s memory, life scenes, farm building, people’s history, and memory of civilization. At present, this memorial is the only, the biggest and the most influential in East China of intellectual youth’s cultural bases. As Shanghai Expo’s designated tourist site and a key development program of Jiangsu’s tourist resources in coastal areas, this memorial is more featured.

Open Time: 08:30—17:00

Address: Yuanhua Section, Haifeng Farm, Dafeng District, Jiangsu

Bus Route: take Yan-Feng bus to Dafeng District, then from Dafeng Bus Station, take a bus to Haifeng Farm.

Self-Driving: from Century Avenue Municipal Section, turn left-Jianjun Road, turn right-S226-Tonggang Avenue, turn left, for 15.4 kilometers, turn left-Shengfeng Road, to the north, for 2.9 kilometers-destination

Tel: 0515-83818427 83260266

  Weixin: dfzqnc
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