
Hao’s Former Residence
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


Four-star provincial country tourist site, this site is located in Haorong Village of Helongxu, Lixia River and is 20 kilometers from Yancheng. This is the former residence of Hao Bocun, the “Chief of Administration” in Taiwan. The site of Hao’s Former Residence include the Haorong Village, Zheng Banqiao’s Study, Hao’s Ancestral Temple, Hao Bocun’s Former Residence, Taiwan Compatriots Chamber, Hao’s Graveyard, the Century-Old Ginkgo, etc. Today, this is a good place for urban people to experience rural sights and residence of famous people.

Open Time: Daytime

Bus Route: K401 from bus stop in western Yancheng

Self-Driving: Century Avenue Municipal Government-Fenghuan Road, southward-Shuangxin Avenue, left-Xiangyang Road-Renmin Road, right for 3.4 kilometers-destination

Tel: 0515-68997807

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