
Huguo Yongning Temple
updated: 2024-07-02 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small


As a national 3A tourist site, this temple was first built in the sixth year of Wude in Tang Dynasty (642). Known in ancient times as the No.1 Temple in east of Huai region and the blue in north of Yangtze River, this was among the 36 renowned temples. It was devastated because of the war in 1938 and was rebuilt in 1993. There are masters in this temple, Master Xuesong, Master Mingshan, and Master Chengyuan, the master of Buddhism in Yancheng, all served as the abbey of the temple. The current master is Renfeng Master. In the zone there are sites like Shanmen, Tianwang Temple, Drum and Bell Tower, Grand Temple, Buddhist Scripture Hall, Scripture Storage Room, etc. In 2011, this was upgraded to a national 3A tourist site.

Open Time: 06:30—17:00

Address: 11 Yongning Road, Yancheng

Bus Route: take bus B2 to Zhaoshang Mall of Yancheng

Self-Driving: municipal government section of Century Avenue-Kaifang Avenue, turn left-Huanghai Road, turn left-Yongning Road, turn right, drive for 440 meters-destination.

  Tel: 0515—88332728
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