
Yancheng Students Win Three Gold Medals at the World Vocational College Skills Competition Finals
updated: 2024-11-08 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

Recently, good news came from the finals of the 2024 World Vocational College Skills Competition, where students from Yancheng Bioengineering Higher Vocational School won three gold medals in various competitions. Students Kong Fanrong and Yang Haozhe won the gold medal in the agricultural machinery maintenance competition, while Shen Yunse and Ding Minghui won the gold medal in the feed nutrition and testing competition, and Jin Siyue and Zhou Jiahui won the gold medal in the plant grafting competition, achieving a comprehensive victory in the school’s agricultural and forestry competition.
       In 2024, the National Vocational College Skills Competition was fully upgraded to the World Vocational College Skills Competition, an international vocational college comprehensive skills competition organized by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with 34 national ministries and organizations. The theme of the competition this year is ”Skills Shine Youth and Future.” Compared to previous years, there have been significant changes in competition content and ways. However, facing the new competition system and challenges, the three teams and their instructors from Yancheng Bioengineering Higher Vocational School win unanimous recognition from the judges with solid professional 

knowledge and unique skills. The excellent results achieved are not only the best reward for the joint efforts and hard work of teachers and students but also a strong demonstration of the school’s focus on cultivating “comprehensive new farmers.”

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