
Enjoy Hydrogen Bikes Rides in Yancheng!
updated: 2024-11-13 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

While the hydrogen energy rod is set in the frame tube, the fuel cell system is under the bicycle seat. Compared with ordinary bikes, the hydrogen style ones are equipped with a low-pressure solid hydrogen energy rod, a set of fuel cells and a motor to achieve “hydrogen bike rides”. On the morning of Nov4, in the bike station of Xifuhe Green and Low-carbon Science and Technology Park, manyemployees try this green and low-carbonway of using hydrogen bikes rides .

The hydrogen bike station within the Park is the only one citywide, equipped with hydrogen bikes, hydrogen charging station and photovoltaic-powered display screen. Ma Li, who are in charge of the station, introduced that apart from the station, we build the first zero-carbon emission model scenario of photovoltaic-powered hydrogen generation, storage and utilization by using the existed glass curtain wall. Compared with traditional lithium-ion battery bikes, the hydrogen ones are more eco-friendly with longer battery life, higher stability and safety and over 80% of material recycling.

Taking Yonon H2 as an example, only 27 kg weight, you can use it for 40 km at highest speed of 30 km/h and change the hydrogen rod within 10 seconds.

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